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Ag News


As I mentioned earlier this week, I was keeping a close eye on the virus and its spread. I was involved in a few conversations last week with large equity fund managers that were really focused on Argentina and Brazil and maneuvering positions. There was worry that as South American weather shifts towards cooler conditions and large masses have been ...
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This is Where We Show the World the Importance of U.S. Agriculture!

KVT's Rant… I understand there are a ton of complicated moving parts and pieces that most inside the trade want to argue about. I've been told one of my main strengths as a thinker and an investor is taking the complicated, dumbing it down and making it simple. Bottom-line, I'm starting to think coronavirus could run like wild-fire across South ...
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Coronavirus Fallout is a Heavy Burden for Commodity Bulls

Corn bulls are really feeling the pressure from the fallout in the outside macro space particularly the negative headlines associated with crude oil and now massive demand uncertainties. I continue to hear talk that there will be serious bloodshed and carnage in the ethanol sector. I suspect several plants simply don't make it out of this alive. Understand, this is ...
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It’s Time to Get Your Ducks in a Row

We've been sitting with about 30% invested for the past several weeks and had a short-hedge working in the S&P 500 futures market, so despite the losses I feel somewhat like a huge winner. There is massive carnage in the market as ALL asset classes have melted down. I tried to take a small position in silver on yesterday's massive fallout but my ...
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COVID-19, Crude Oil, and Contagion Concerns During the Fallout

Kevin Van Trump, Andy Daniels, and Carter Williams discuss COVID-19, Crude Oil, and Contagion concerns during this economic fallout as well as where we can find opportunities in this volatile time ...
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Below are few of Andy's latest thoughts regarding the rice market. Please remember, this is NOT a recommendation to buy or sell but rather Andy's personal opinion and thoughts. For full disclosure Andy is currently long the rice market and looking for higher prices. The usage this year from Dec 1st to March 1st was larger than the last two ...
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How Long Will This Last?

This seems to be the biggest question being asked and the answers are varying wildly. I suspect this is what really has Wall Street spooked. We all understand that "containment" is somewhat a foregone thought and that the powers that be are desperately trying to "reduce the curve" of immediate infections in hopes of not overwhelming and crashing our current ...
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Three of My Top LifeHacks to Help Stay Positive

I certainly don't want to sound Pollyannaish and/or unrealistic. In fact, I've always hated the "rah-rah folks who seem to have blinders on and simply opt to ignore the negatives. I also know how hard it is to find the motivation to focus on the positive when positivity seems like nothing more than wishful thinking. Not only has our whole ...
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Weather Concerns Take Back Seat to Coronavirus, Oil Rout

Traders are gearing up for U.S planting season. Bulls are pointing to overly wet conditions and the possibility of extreme flooding in many parts of the U.S. Traders are specifically keeping a close eye on the banks of the Mississippi River in parts of Illinois and Iowa, as well as the Red River and Sheyenne Rivers that could impact parts ...
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Things are Getting Very Real and Very Close to Home

Not wanting to be a "doom and gloom" promoter but things are starting to get very real and hitting very close to home. My daughter is still in self-quarantine (good news no temperature). The entire country of Italy is on lockdown. St. Patrick’s Day parades are canceled across Ireland. U.S. coronavirus cases are starting to surge, now topping +1,000 infected ...
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