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Ag News

How Currency Depreciation Contributes to Brazil’s Increasing Competitiveness

A new report from the USDA's Economic Research Service takes a deep dive into the role of Brazil's macroeconomic policies in its emergence as one of the world's top agricultural products exporter. In particular, the study focuses on the currency depreciation those policies have driven and the potential impact the COVID-19 pandemic might have on them going forward. The study ...
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CRISPR Scientists Create “Surrogate Sires”

Jon Oatley, director of WSU's Center for Reproductive Biology, feeds a surrogate goat at the campus of Washington State University, in Pullman, U.S., August 7, 2020. Bob Hubner/Washington State University via Reuters CRISPR scientists continue to find new applications for the gene-editing technology in agriculture. One of the latest breakthroughs that could completely transform precision breeding is the use of ...
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Discover the Smallest Innovation In Ag History

Food and energy production have benefited greatly from widespread applications of conventional fertilizers. However, as demand for agriculture output accelerates so too does our understanding of inefficiency in the delivery of crop nutrition in production systems and related environmental impacts. It's worth mentioning, data is showing that inefficient fertilizer use is responsible for billions of dollars in annual economic agricultural ...
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What’s Ahead for Ethanol?

The recently introduced "Next Generation Fuels Act" is drawing praise from a wide range of stakeholders, including the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) which called it “the beginning of an exciting new era in transportation fuels policy.” Introduced by Illinois Representative Cheri Bustos, the bill would establish a high-octane, low-carbon fuel requirement that aims to boost the long term demand for ...
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Emerging Consumer Behavior Trends Shaping the Food Industry’s Future

Consumer trends were thrown a curveball this spring when the pandemic upended the whole world. One food trend that was expected to gain a greater hold in 2020 was the overall shift toward more healthy eating and Covid-19 appears to have only reinforced consumers' interest. Recent ADM OutsideVoice research showed that 77% of consumers intend to make more attempts to ...
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Riding the Wave of Aquaculture

Global demand for fish has risen at twice the rate of the world’s population, in fact, we’re now eating twice as much fish as we did 50 years ago, with per capita intake increasing from 21 pounds to just under 42 pounds annually. I'm told the output needed to fulfill the future demand is expected to double to 230 million ...
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Is America Facing a “Super Pig” Explosion?

America's feral hog population is approaching 9 million and rising fast in what some call a "feral swine bomb." The invasive beasts are present in at least 39 states and responsible for some $2.5 billion in damage each year. Not only that, they are a breeding ground for dozens of parasites and diseases. That includes African swine fever (ASF), which ...
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The Media Continues to Drive the Message, Pushing Words that Will Change the Way We Farm! Pay Close Attention… “Socially Sustainable”, “Climate Change”, “Clean Energy”, “Transparency”

People's desire to know how and where their food is grown as well wanting more transparency across the entire process is a growing trend that is changing how we farm and attracting some of the most innovative minds to our industry to tackle this task. Most agree the current manner in which food is both produced and moved across the ...
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Fall Officially Begins Today!

Today is officially the first day of Fall, with Winter officially set to begin on December 21. Before it was called "Fall", it was called "Autumn", and before then it was called "Harvest". While the modern names of winter and summer have been around for more than 1,000 years, the names of fall and spring are more recent—and less constant ...
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CRISPR-Engineered Produce Getting Closer to Grocery Aisles

Food startup Pairwise is hoping to have some of its CRISPR-edited produce items in grocery store aisles as soon as 2022. In August, the USDA gave Pairwise the green light to proceed with commercialization of its new varieties of Brassica juncea, a leafy green most of us know as mustard greens. What's more, they say it's a high-yielding crop that ...
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