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Ag News

If You’re In The Livestock Business… Pay Close Attention

When the stock market shakes out and investors are forced to reposition and reallocate funds, we often see new industries and new concepts more rapidly evolve and prosper. Jacob Bunge wrote an interesting article last week that pertained to "plant-based" meat companies lowering prices and working towards becoming more competitive. Makers of plant-based meat alternatives are cutting prices, as startups ...
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Cool Farming Apps for 2020

While you can always download and ditch an app later when its value comes up short, saving precious minutes experimenting with something that ends up as an empty promise can get frustrating. We've scoured the web in search of the best farming apps to make your life a bit easier and your operation run a lot smoother. Companies seem to be ...
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Van Trump Family Update… and Corona Thoughts

As many of you know, my daughter Kennedy has been in Italy working to finish her degree in architecture. It's actually required at her school that she studies in Rome and travels around Europe to gain a better perspective of the various styles of architecture. She was super excited about her big adventure and has been sending us amazing pictures ...
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Will China Turn to U.S. Soybeans as Brazil Struggles with Logistical Hiccups?

Soybean bulls are pointing to rising export tariffs for Argentine "soybeans, meal and bean oil". There are also some logistical complications brewing in portions of Brazil that we are closely monitoring. This time period between more readily available South American supply might provide a little opportunity for U.S. soybeans. I should caution, the headlines might sound a bit better than ...
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Startup Develops a Pollinator Robot that Could Replace Bees

Pollinator populations around the globe continue to decline, a scary problem when you consider that we depend on them for about three-quarters of our crops. Israeli startup Edete believes it has a viable solution with its new mechanical pollination machine, which the company calls "a safety net for the world's food security." Last winter, beekeepers in the U.S. lost 50 ...
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Gaining Momentum in One of My Ag Investments… at the same time Helping to Improve Soil

Scientist are learning that tiny, symbiotic fungi play an outsized role in helping plants survive stresses like drought and extreme temperature changes, report scientists at Washington State University. We all know that some bacteria and fungi cause disease, but there are just as many that work in harmony with plants, helping collect water and nutrients in exchange for the carbohydrates ...
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Argentina Looks Set to Hike Export Taxes…Again

Soybean bulls were happy to hear the Argentine government has suspended the registration of agricultural exports until further notice. Most inside the trade are thinking this is the move being made before the new Argentine government issues a statement that they will be increasing export tariffs on soy and perhaps other ag products. The trade seems to be eyeing and ...
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One of the More Important Keys to Financial and Business Success

00 Comments in moderation I'm often asked the advice I would give someone looking to build a business, expand a farm operation, start a new company, etc... this is a tough question with many moving parts. But one of the most important ingredients has to be the "speed" at which one chooses to make decisions and move. I've learned this ...
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Bayer Announces Herbicide Breakthrough

Herbicide resistance has been a growing problem for farmers but Bayer says its researchers have made a breakthrough that could be a game-changer for producers battling resistant grasses. The bad news is it probably won't be available for about a decade. Bayer's scientists have identified a chemical molecule that's proved effective against glyphosate-resistant ryegrass and other grasses that threaten many ...
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Putting America’s Land Usage Into Economic Perspective

America has one of the largest landmasses in the world at its disposal with over 3.8 million square miles, and that's without taking into account either Alaska or Hawaii. In an interesting article recently published by the World Economic Forum, they raised the question of how America's land actually gets used by our economy, meaning for example, what percentage of ...
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