The Van Trump Report

Helping Farmers Who Are Trying to Generate More Profit Per Acre… for Decades to Come

Most investors in agriculture tend to evaluate farmland value based on land appreciation and current or historical crop yields and revenues. But that approach can often miss how much potential revenue a given parcel of land has to reliably generate in the future. 

“Propagate” is a new company that is helping farmers reduce business risks while integrating fruit, nut, and timber trees with animal or row-crop farming systems. By focusing on permanent crops, the latest agronomic tools, local climate, and economic models, as well as a powerful database on how annual crops and tree crops can best be combined in your area, can better evaluate each parcel of farm ground based on potential future revenue allowing farmers become more resilient and earn great returns while building the next generation of farms. I personally think it is interesting what they are starting to do with trees on or around row crop ground. There are some interesting things happening that I never would have seen coming. 

Better still, the Propagate team can take parcels purchased for investment and execute the complete planting and cultivation strategy, delivering a landowner a farm with complete, functional, operations and maintenance that delivers defined revenue expectations for the future.

You are invited to learn how a new company called “Propagate” is building the next generation of regenerative farms by focusing on “permanent crops”. The webinar is called, “Helping Farmers Generate More Profit Per Acre, for Decades to Come,” and is being held May 12 at 3:00 pm CST with Ethan Steinberg, CEO of Propagate.

REGISTER to listen and learn more for FREE HERE

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