A consistent complaint across the livestock industry is the inability to proactively manage two of their most valuable assets: their people and their animals. The lack of visibility to even basic barn conditions such as temperature, humidity, water consumption, manure pit levels, feed availability and even worker presence create ambiguity, uncertainty and ultimately requires the enterprise to continuously respond to urgent and important events vs. proactively managing.
A new company out of Ames, Iowa called “Distynct” has a solution that many with livestock are finding extremely helpful, reliable, and cost-effective. Its system establishes a foundation to connect devices, collect data and turn that data into actionable insights for the entire farm enterprise. Through its online and mobile dashboards, Distynct helps the farm team and ultimately establish a benchmark of data across the system for process improvement and identification of variable cost outliers.
You are invited to learn more about Distynct and how they are leveraging connected devices and data to bring reliable connectivity to rural livestock facilities. Our webinar titled “Data-Driven Management Comes to the Livestock Barn” is going to be held on Thursday, October 14 at 3:00 PM CST with Co-founder and CEO B.J. Brugman. Register HERE